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Home > Item Number: 2566AQ

Brake shoe set, One piece design

Model T Brake shoe set, 2-piece design - 2566A
Model T Brake shoe set, 2-piece design - 2566AModel T Brake shoe set, 2-piece design - 2566AModel T Brake shoe set, 2-piece design - 2566A
Item Number:2566AQ
Per Car:1
Price:$110.00 set

Additional Information

Brake shoes set, cast iron shoes with heavy lining. NEW DESIGN, these brake shoes are a copy of the original one piece shoe design.
These shoes are an improvement over the bare cast iron shoes originally used. The heavy lining increases your braking power.
Excellent quality.
(NOTE: These shoes are for small drum rear axles as used in 1909-1925 and will not fit Ton Trucks.)

Questions and Answers
How does this work please? If you add brake linings to the original dimension shoes they will not fit inside a standard 8" diameter drum Assume that these shoes are manufactured undersized then when the linings added it increases them to the original steel dimension?? Or are the faces where the cam contact ground down lower allowing the shoes to close up smaller? Other ?? Thank you. Alan
 The shoes were made under sized so that once the lining is on there it willl work with the 8" diameter drum. The shoes are about 7 5/8" diameter and the linings are about 3/16" thick
Answered By: 23 SEL
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