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Transmission oil screen with door gaskets

Model T Transmission oil screen with door gaskets - 3378OSG
Model T 3378OS - Transmission oil screenModel T 3378OSG - Transmission oil screen with door gasketsModel T 3378OSG - Transmission oil screen with door gaskets
Model T Transmission oil screen - 3378OS
Item Number:3378OSG
Price:$38.95 set

Additional Information

NOTE: A necessary accessory that is HIGHLY recommended for all T's to help clean the oil.

Transmission oil screen set, comes with 2 gaskets. This specially designed part fits under transmission cover door and directs oil to bands while filtering out dirt and lint.

This screen also comes with a magnet that helps to filter out any small metal flakes in the oil.

Questions and Answers
Does this filter kit include a magnet ?
   Yes, the oil screen with the gaskets does include the magnet in the screen that does a wonderful job at collecting any metallic parts floating in the oil that gets circulated through the screen.
Answered By: 21 AEL
145 out of 270 found this answer useful.

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Can you buy extra gaskets for future replacements?
 The gasket is a stock gasket part #3379B
Answered By: 23 SEL
40 out of 214 found this answer useful.

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