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Home > Item Number: A-PUMP-12V

Electric fuel pump, 12 Volt.

Model T Electric fuel pump, 12 Volt. - A-PUMP-12V
Item Number:A-PUMP-12V
Per Car:1
Price:$110.50 each

Additional Information
The poor fuel supply (low gravity level) found on the 1909-1925 Model T's will greatly reduce your engine's power, particularly when traveling up-hill. That's why Henry finally mounted the fuel tank higher on the 1926 and later Models.
This special low pressure (1.5 to 2.5 psi) fuel pump will give you much better performance on hills and on level ground. No modifications are required except to the fuel line. This allows the use of
an in-line filter which helps keep your fuel clean and prevent vapor lock.

(NOTE: if you have a 1926-27 model with the tank in the cowl you may not need this.)
Questions and Answers
What PSI does this pump produce?
 This pump gives 1.5 to 2.5 psi and is designed to run on less pressure for the Model T. This is less pressure than the standard fuel pump purchased at a local automotive store, which is usually 4 to 6 psi.
Answered By: 6 JRL
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Could I get this Item in 6 volt?
 This item is not available for a 6 volt system.
Answered By: 21 AEL
9 out of 9 found this answer useful.

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Can this fuel pump be turned on only when a steep hill is encountered?
 I dont think fuel will run through the pump when it is not on. So you would some how run two lines with check valves in order to get it to work
Answered By: 23 SEL
6 out of 6 found this answer useful.

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What amperage does the pump draw? Can it be used with a 6v to 12v-5 amp converter?
 In the instructions it says "This pump must be fused with a 3-5 amp automotive type fuse." Im pretty sure this would work on a converter rated for that much power. I just dont think you could use a hole lot else with it.
Answered By: 23 SEL
3 out of 3 found this answer useful.

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