This 4 oz bag of wheel balancing beads, is for a wire wheel. (Wood wheels require 6 oz bags of beads Part#
Counteract Balancing Intelligence™ beads are free floating inside the tube to provide continuous self-adjusting balance; they last the complete life of the tire and can even be reused in your next set of tires. Best of all, anyone can install them.
Counteract Balancing Beads:
- Increase tire life and improve fuel economy
- Reduce vibration
- Will not absorb moisture, which can cause the clumping found with other style beads
- Will not react to any metal or alloyed wheels or any other materials, including rubber
- Will not break down into a dust, causing mounting and demounting problems
- Will not damage inside liner of tire as this product is a non-abrasive micro-bead with no edges
- Environmentally friendly. Contains no lead
- Trouble free and guaranteed